Mon-Fri: 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM
News date: marts 26, 2020

Business as usual?

During the coronavirus outbreak, our key priority is to safeguard the health of everyone and secondly to keep the wheels spinning and the economy moving to the extent that it is safe.
Opend and its partners are primarily working from home, all service and installation work has been cancelled and will be rescheduled as soon as the situation allows for it. We offer technical support by phone and video conference when required.
Our production and distribution networks are fully operational, and we are in close contact with our suppliers to secure the flow of needed raw materials. This applies both to capital equipment and consumables such as diet and bedding.
Working safely and using the electronic means available to keep the wheels spinning will, we believe, contribute to speeding up the economic recovery post corona.

Best regards
Tine Jensen

Contact us by mail or phone +45 29 344334